
2026 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend FAQs


What if I am injured and/or cannot run the event (family commitment, work obligation, etc.)? Can I get a refund, donate my entry or transfer my entry to someone else?

Sale and/or transfer of race entries/race numbers is strictly prohibited and will result in the disqualification and/or banning of any individuals involved from future events. All entry fees are non-refundable. An entry fee donation to GDCA would be welcome.

How do I pick-up my race packet?
  • The 2026 PGDC Packet Pick-Up will occur during the ABC Action News Health & Fitness Expo, presented by TampaWell in the Tampa Convention Center’s East Hall. The times are as follows:
    • Friday, February 20th: 10 am – 8 pm
    • Saturday, February 21st: 6 am – 3 pm
      • On Saturday morning, Race Number Pick-Up will begin at 5:30 a.m. T-shirts and goody Bags will not be distributed until the expo opens at 6 a.m. 15K participants should run their race and return to the expo afterward.
Will I need identification for picking up my packet?
  • No
Will packet pick-up be open on Sunday morning for the Publix Gasparilla Half Marathon & 8K?
  • Packet Pick-up will occur at the Tampa Convention Center Ballroom D Franklin Street Entrance, starting at 4:30 am and ending at 9:15 am.
Can I transfer from one race to another?
  • Yes, but there will be a $15 Transfer Fee, and if you’re moving from a shorter to a longer distance, you will be responsible for the difference in the entry fee. No Challenge Transfers at the Expo.
I’m hurt. Can I transfer my entry to someone else?
  • No


Can I defer my entry to 2027?
  • Deferrals for the 2026 Publix Gasparilla Half Marathon and 2026 Michelob Ultra Challenge, Michelob Ultra Pure Gold Challenge, Michelob Ultra Infusions Challenge, and Michelob Ultra Zero Challenge will be accepted until 3 pm on Friday, February 13, 2026
    • Half Marathon Deferral Fee: $37
    • Challenge Deferral Fee: $47
Will Gear Check be available in 2026?
  • Yes, Gear Check will be available in the convention center’s Meeting Room #125. The meeting room is on the convention center’s lower level, adjacent to the escalators.
  • Though the room will always be monitored, the Gasparilla Distance Classic Association is not responsible for losses.
  • Gear Check Hours:
    • Saturday, February 21st: 5:30 am-Noon
    • Sunday, February 22nd: 4:30 am-Noon
    • Any bags remaining in the Gear Check Room at closing will be taken to the Gasparilla Distance Classic Association Office.
Will there be a Lost & Found?
  • The 2026 PGDC Race Weekend Lost & Found will be located at the expo’s Questions Desk during expo hours, and on Sunday, it will be moved to the Gear Check Room in Meeting Room #125.
Can I run with my dog?
  • Dogs nor any other animals are allowed on-course.
What if I have a Service Dog?
  • Service Dogs are allowed.
Can I participate with a stroller?
  • The Gasparilla Distance Classic Association encourages family participation and has created the Special K 5K Stroller Roll specifically for families with little ones 4 & under. Entry Fees for children ages 4 & under are $5.  Those 5 years & older will pay the Adult Entry Fee.
  • Strollers ARE NOT allowed in the 15K, 5K Run, 5K Walk, Half Marathon or 8K.
Will there be porta potties near the Start Line?
  • Yes, porta potties will be placed at all start and finish lines as well as at every mile of the 15K, 5K, Half Marathon & 8K courses.
If I am running one of the Challenges, what should I do with my finisher’s medals between races.
  • To meet the needs of our Challenge participants, a Challenge Medal Drop Zone is available on Saturday & Sunday mornings and is located at the base of the Platt Street Bridge at Channelside & Ashley Streets.
  • Finishers Medals will be placed in labeled zip lock bags.
What should I expect on-course?
  • In addition to Aid Stations, four sprinkle showers will be placed on the water side of Bayshore Boulevard between Gandy Boulevard and Rome Avenue.
  • Additionally, ice-cold 2025 PGDC Branded 15K, 5K, Half Marathon, and 8K Finishers Towels will be available at each of the Finish Lines.
How many Aid Stations are available on course?
  • Beginning approximately at 1.5 miles, Aid Stations will be available at every mile and will offer Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water. Gatorade Endurance will be available at miles 2 & 7 of the 15K, at every Half Marathon Aid Station and at mile 3 of the 8K.
  • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water and Gatorade Endurance will be available at the Finish Line.
When is the 2027 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic (PGDC) Race Weekend?

• Feb. 19 – 21, 2027

What is the anticipated field size for the 2026 PGDC Race Weekend Events?

When 2025 PGDC Registration opens, the participation caps for each distance will be as follows:

– PGDC 15K – 4,500
– PGDC 5K Run – 8,000
– PGDC Kashi 5K Walk – 1,500
– PGDC Special K 5K Stroller Roll– 500
– Publix Gasparilla Half Marathon – 4,500
– Publix Gasparilla 8K – 3,500 – Publix Gasparilla 8K Walk – 500
– Michelob Ultra Challenge – 500
– Michelob Ultra Pure Gold Challenge – 250
– Michelob Ultra Infusion Challenge – 250
– Michelob Ultra Organic Seltzer Challenge – 400

• In November, if increasing participation caps are warranted, the association will review the numbers and increase accordingly.

In addition to the in-person 2026 PGDC Race Weekend events, will there be a virtual option?

We are not planning to offer a virtual option at this time.


If it is determined that the 2026 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend cannot take place for reasons outside the control of the Gasparilla Distance Classic Association, there will be NO postponement, NOR will the events convert to a virtual experience. If the 2026 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend Events are canceled, registered participants can choose from two recovery options that consider a participant’s financial commitment to the event, as well as the cost and resources required to stage the Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend. Every dollar collected through registration fees is invested back into the event to help cover these expenses and enhance our participants’ overall experience. Planning and financial commitment for each year’s event begins well in advance of the registration window for the next event.

The recovery options for 2026 PGDC registered participants are as follows:

• Receive a partial refund of the 2026 PGDC entry; or
• Defer 2026 PGDC entry to the 2027 PGDC and receive a discount on their 2027 entry fee.

If the 2026 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend is cancelled on or before Sept. 30, 2025 registered participants will be offered:

• A 40% refund of their 2027 entry fee or a 50% discount on a deferred entry for a 2027 PGDC Race Weekend Event.

If the 2026 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend is cancelled between Oct. 1, 2025, and Dec. 31, 2025, registered participants will be offered:

• A 30% refund of their 2026 entry fee or a 40% discount on a deferred entry for a 2027 PGDC Race Weekend Event.

If the 2026 Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend is cancelled between Jan. 1, 2026, and Feb. 16, 2026, registered participants will be offered:

• A 10% refund of their 2026 entry fee or a 20% discount on a deferred entry for a 2027 PGDC Classic Race Weekend Event.

What would prompt race organizers to cancel the 2026 event?

The 2026 PGDC Race Weekend could be cancelled for circumstances beyond the Gasparilla Distance Classic Association’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, war, epidemic, civil or political unrest, terrorism, or severe inclement weather conditions.

Race Roster's Enhanced Refund Protection Program ( RegShield) covers but is not limited to;
  • Injury & illness
  • COVID-19
  • Severe weather
  • Work travel conflict
  • Layoffs/terminations
  • Mechanical breakdowns
For additional coverage details and prior to purchasing RegShield’s Coverage during 2025 PGDC Online Registration

Please click here for details.

** If a participant purchases the RegShield Coverage and is unable to participate, they must submit a claim in order to be eligible for a refund. The claims form will remain open for 60 days after the event. Claims are generally processed within 30 days of the submission. The claims process will be administered by Protecht.